Thursday, June 18, 2020

What should everyone know about cats?

What should everyone know about cats? 

animal cat


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A cat can be a good friend like a dog.

I honestly had no idea that cats can be loyal, loyal and dependent on a person as a dog. I always considered cats a masculine loner that allowed you to domesticate them from time to time. Even when I came across "good cats", they were incredibly fickle..

animal cat


When I went away from home for college, I never lived without a dog. Our family dog, Meesha, was with us after a good decade, and I missed her very much. Naturally, as any good college student would do, I made an impractical and intuitive decision: I would get a cat, thus meeting the needs of my little furry companion

animal cat

It made sense at the time, as most things do.

 A cat would not need to go outside to use the bathroom, not feel like he is alone (so I thought), and most importantly, old baby!

animal cat

See also


She hates being alone, she follows me everywhere.

She plays fetus (seriously). When I come home, she stands me at the door. He is very perceptive; She knows when I'm sick or depressed. I felt that these were limited to owning a dog, and I very happily made a mistake.





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